Call for programme proposals
Submit your ideas
Scientific Committee invite you to contribute your ideas
Submit your ideas
The SYMTAS 2025 Simposia is on the horizon, and we want your ideas to make it as interesting as posible.
Scientific Committee invite you to contribute your ideas to create an innovative, diverse, and engaging programme.
Your suggestions on topics and session formats will help to create a good, engaging and dynamic programme.
The SYMTAS Scientific Committee will carefully review all proposals and those that fit the program priorities will be included to shape a Symposium that reflects the current state of thrombectomy.
How to submit your ideas
Submiting your proposal is simple. Please, include:
Title. Up to 50 words.
Session Description. Up to 200 words.
Explain the importance and relevance of your session.
Learning Objectives. Up to 150 words.
Highlight the takeaways for participants.
Important deadlines
28 February 2025. Submission deadline.
for submitting your proposals:
Feb 28th, 2025
Send by e-Mail to the Scientific Secretariat: